2018年8月20日 星期一

What is the Pidgin? The simple way for communication

What is the Pidgin? The simple way for communication

 Hello everyone, I’m a blogger and I’m interested in Languages. Today I’m going to talk about the linguistic communication. There are various languages around the world and the English has become the most powerful language as well as the most important tool for international communication. The some people, however, don’t want to learn English well because of the difficulty of English grammar, and we don’t want to learn their languages. At that time, is there no way to communicate with each other? Don’t worry. The best way to communicate with them is mixing and simplifying the main language, and such languages are called “Pidgin”. The word ‘pidgin’ is defined as a grammatically simplified form of typical languages such as English, Dutch, and Portuguese, some elements of which are taken from local languages.

 There is a language which is similar to English but it doesn’t have complicated grammar as hard as English. For instance, the word “Library” is written as “bookhouse”, and the university is written as “the big school”, and it reminds me of the Korean word “대학교(大學校)”, which directly means a big school.

The languages below are classified as "Pidgin"

1. Pidgin English

2. Chinese pidgin English(洋涇濱)

3. Tok pisin: a creole language spoken throughout the Papua New Guinea.

4. Spanglish


What is the Creole language?The Creole language is a stable natural language developed from a mixture of different language or pidgin. 

What is the difference between pidgin and code watching?
       These two 

