2020年2月5日 星期三


終於挖掘到寶藏,我的心情高興極了,我以為蒙文·滿文學習書是稀世之寶,在幾小時之前以為挖掘這種東西絕對是遙不可及的事,幸好今天在台北好幾家書店逛了三個小時之後,終於在三民書局挖掘到稀世之寶。雖然我已經走到腿痠,付出了很大的代價,但是我為這種稀世珍寶感到欣慰,首先買蒙文入門書來取代滿文老乞大書,因為滿文老乞大更貴。蒙文的文字起源於阿拉伯文與回紇文,跟滿文相似,只要掌握所有蒙文文字就可以用它來學滿文。好,我果然是不錯的bibliophile, 下一個設定目標是喃字字典。

Today I'm happy and delighted because I finally found out my precious treasure. I had thought it's impossible to find out these treasures such as "Mongolian phrase for beginners" and "Manchu language learning book", however, it's anything but impossible to find these treasures. Fortunately I could find out this treasure after walking around several bookstores in Taipei for 3 hours. I'm satisfied to see this book, although my legs are aching yet. The Mongolian letters are originated from Arabic and Huihe scripts. If you master all of Mongolian script, you can learn the Manchu language as well as Mongolian. OK, I'm really a good bibliophile, and my next target is "Chữ nôm dictionary".

