2017年2月23日 星期四




  金米魯於1995年赴美國唸書,畢業於美國的一間大學。她身為一名攝影師,留下了很多作品。不過其中有些令人詫異的作品,比方說,《有豬,故我在》(The pig that, therefore I am)為最具代表性的作品。這個作品最初展覽於2010年,是一部錄像。這部錄像含有一名女性光著身子,跟一羣豬生活在一起的場面。為了拍下這樣的短片,她出演跟一群豬相觸,像豬一樣採取古怪的行動等。這部錄像令觀眾極為驚訝,可謂是藝術界的奇葩。


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The secret of Tao'wu

Who is Tao'wu(도올: Do ol)? He is the intelligent and famous Korean philosopher as well as Buddhist monk. There are activities such as writing essay, compiling books on China and Chinese history he usually does. He also criticizes some problems which are associated with politics, and society, and suggests some solutions. He used to become a professor of the Yan-Bian University and taught students. Recently, he criticized and satirized the incapability of Keunhye-Park's government and then he became famous in the Korean portal sites. The most people in Korea, however, don't know about his family. He has a daughter named Miru-Kim, she has lived and studied in the USA since 1995. After graduating from one of the university in the USA, she became a photographer, and made various works such as <The pig that, therefore I am>. <The pig that, therefore I am> is the most representative work but it has extraordinary and bizarre content. There is a naked woman who lives with pigs. Maybe there are some people who think of it as something dirty and obscene. But that is not a point of this paragraph. We need to understand the point of this work. So what on earth does work mean?

